【問題】Dow Theory?推薦回答

作者:Krass, Peter (EDT)/ Langton, Stuart (NRT)

Charles H. Dow, Benjamin Graham, George Soros, Peter Lynch, Warren Buffett, Mario Gabelli, and Donald Trump-you won't find a seminar or lecture anywhere that boasts a panel quite like this: a group...


  No.1股市投資操盤策略  The Dow Theory   *用道氏理論看懂股市行情  股市波動難懂,讓我們回歸道氏理論,靜觀市場波動,掌握反轉訊號,重新賺回股市的大財富   *所有投資者必讀經典  這是一本包括專業投資人、市場時機交易者、技術分析師和市場專家的必讀經典 本書特色   *提出道氏理論對投資者的影響  道氏理論像蒸汽機的發明對人類的生存及生活帶來了巨大的變化一樣,它開創了...


The Dow Theory 華爾街最經典的投資獲利戰略   散戶、新手必讀,迅速學會操盤、看股、賺波段的致富勝經   讓你進出股市不再像玩一場未知的賭局,   而是變成一種有利可圖的職業!   道氏是道瓊指數的創始人、技術分析的開山鼻祖,是股市投資的先驅和宗師。道氏理論是股市投資的經典理論之一,是華爾街最悠久的股市預測理論。牛市、熊市、M頭等均為道氏理論所創造,地位至今無...

作者:White, Lawrence H.

"Lawrence H. White deals with a major issue of the 1990s--reprivatization of money. He makes a cogent argument and presents evidence that private, competing currencies would provide more monetary s...

作者:Loasby, Brian J. (EDT)/ Dow, Sheila C. (EDT)/ Earl, Peter E. (EDT)

作者:Dow, Charles/ Sether, Laura (EDT)/ Russell, Richard (CON)/ Carlson, Charles (CON)/ Shread, Paul (COR)

作者:Sheimo, Michael D.

Created over a hundred years ago by Wall Street Journal founder Charles H. Dow, the Dow Theory is the grandfather and foundation of all technical stock market analyses. The Theory operates on the p...

作者:Droke, Clif

"A great primer covering all the technical analysis basics every active investor needs to know." -Martin Pring, Martin Pring on Market MomentumFinally-a concise, easy-to-read manual for learning an...

作者:Ullal, Aniket

ETF experts share their insights for growing wealth from this booming market Whether you manage your own assets or help others reach their fi nancial goals, ETF Investment Strategies will help you ...

